My Publications
This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination
of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein
are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons
copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints
invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may
not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
- M. Bouzoubaa, H. Haddouti. EWOS: A J2EE-XML BASED FRAMEWORK.
IIT2004, Dubai, October 4-6, 2004 (in Press)More
- H. Haddouti, T. Ses. E-Room for Water Management
Projects in the Middle East and North Africa region –
Challenges, Benefits and Best-Practices. Proceedings
of the International Workshop on Water Management - A
Crucial Object in the Middle East and North Africa,
Irbid, Jordan, November 2004.
- H. Haddouti: Digital Libraries and Distance Education - Trends
and Opportunities. Saudi Engineering Conference, December 14-17,
Dahran, Saudi Arabia, 2002 (keynote talk)
- L. Dahmen, H. Haddouti: Making Classical
Research Searchable -Issues and Implementation for a Searchable
CD of Proverbs. IMC 2004, July 12-15 at University of Leeds,
- D. Kettani, H. Haddouti: Transparency of Administrative Structures:
E-Government? FIG Conference, Marrakech, Morocco, 2–5 December
2003, More
- H. Haddouti: Digital Libraries and Distance Education - Trends
and Opportunities. Saudi Engineering Conference, December 14-17,
Dahran, Saudi Arabia, 2002 (keynote talk)
- E. Haddouti: Desarrollo Tecnológico
de las Bibliotecas Virtuales. Universidad Catolica Boliviana,
La Paz Charla
sobre Bibliotecología Virtual ,
La Paz, April, 2000
- E. Haddouti: VD17 - Cooperative
Cataloging in a Scalable Digital Library System. Ph.D. Thesis,
Institut fuer Informatik, Technische Universitaet Muenchen,
Shaker Verlag , Aachen, 1999
- H. Haddouti:
Algunos aspectos de las bibliotecas en la era digital. In Revista
Interamericana de Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información, Departamento
de Ciencia de la Información de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana,
Columbia, October 1999
- R. Bayer,
R. Kallenborn, H. Haddouti, W. Wohner, A.Moedl, R. Heinrich,
D. Nitsche: Integration of digital services for Libraries. In
Proceedings of Int. Conf.Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods
and Technologies, digital collections. 18-20 Oct., St. Petersburg,
Russia, 1999 (Invited Talk)
- H. Haddouti,
W. Wohner, R. Bayer: Towards a Scalable System Architecture
in Digital Libraries. In DEXA'99, Florence 30.8 - 3.9, Springer
Verlag, Berlin, 1999
- H. Haddouti, A. Maeda, T. Sakaguchi,
S. Sugimoto, K. Tabata: Towards Arabic Rendering Issues - MHTML
Approach. In proc. of the ATLAS Symposium (Arabic Translation
and Localisation Symposium), Tunis, Mai 26-27, 1999 Doc
- H. Haddouti: A Survey - Multilingual
Text Retrieval and Access. UNESCO Press, Feb. 1999 Doc
- H. Haddouti: Neue Dimensionen
im Bibliothekswesen am Beispiel des Projekts VD 17. Auskunft,
Heft 98/2, Traugott Bautz Verlag, Herzberg, Juni 1998
- H. Haddouti: Issues of Libraries
in the Digital Era. Proceedings of NEW MISSIONS OF ACADEMIC
Beijing, October 25-28, 1998 HTML
- S. Wiesener, H. Haddouti, R. Bayer:
Advanced Hypermedia Indexing of Documents in a deductive Database
System, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advances
in Digital Libraries (ADL'98), Santa Barbara, CA, April 22-24,
1998, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, 1998 PS
- H. Haddouti: Multilinguality Issues
in Digital Libraries. Proceedings of the EuroMed Net'98 Conference.
Nicosia, March 3-7, 1998 (Invited talk) Abstract
- H. Haddouti, S. Wiesener: On-line Access
to the 17th Century Literature. Proceedings of the WebNet97
Conference. Toronto, October 31- November 5, AACE, 1997
- H. Haddouti: The Digital Library Initiatives.
Proceedings of the Symposium on The Arab World and Information
Society Tunis, May 4-8, UNESCO, 1997 (invited Talk)
- M. Dörr, H. Haddouti, S. Wiesener:
The German National Bibliography 1601 - 1700: Digital Images
in a Cooperative Cataloging Project, Proceedings of IEEE International
Forum on Research and Technology Advances in Digital Libraries
(ADL'97), Washington, DC, May 7-9, 1997, IEEE Computer Society
Press, Los Alamitos, 1997 PS
- M. Dörr, H. Haddouti, S.Wiesener:
17. Jahrhundert im Netz. DFN-Mitteilungen,
Heft 41, 1996.

Selected Reports:
[Haddouti] H.
Haddouti: International Mediterranean Workshop on Digital Libraries
in ERCIM NEWS, January 2002 HTML
[Haddouti] H.
Haddouti: The Summer School on the Digital Library in Tilburg. D-lib
Magazine, Novermber 1997, HTML
[Haddouti] N.
Abida, H. Haddouti, G. Kaliwo. Mission Report: Strengthening the
Communication and Information. Documentation Centres of the Ministry
of Information in Yemen. RP/1998-1999/IV.2.1. UNESCO, Paris , 1998
